When going off to college, there are a variety of things you need to prepare. From school supplies to dorm room accessories, college preparations can be a big task. If you plan to take your car with you to college, it is crucial to take the proper steps to prepare your car for the semester, especially if you’ll be far from home.
At Freedom Collision Center, we’ve put together a checklist to help you get your car college ready!
Properly maintaining your car will help keep it in great shape in the long run. Prior to going to college, you’ll want to perform some basic maintenance on your vehicle, including:
While college classes, work, and homework can make your life busy, it is important to keep an eye on these things to keep your vehicle in great shape. By performing routine maintenance with a trusted auto body shop, you can prevent more costly repairs down the road.
Over summer or winter break, it is important to complete any necessary repairs to ensure your vehicle is safe to operate. Repairs may include:
While you’re rushing between classes, work, and fun with friends, you don’t want to have to worry about cleaning your car. By giving your car a deep clean before going away to school, you will have one less thing to worry about. It is also beneficial to the safety of your vehicle when you clean the glass of the windows and windshield. To clean your car, follow these tips:
If something does happen to your vehicle while you are at school, it is best to prepare. To help be prepared if something happens, follow these tips:
It is also recommended that you create an emergency kit to keep in your car. This kit should include items like a warm blanket, jumper cables, bottled water, gloves, shelf-stable foods, a basic tool kit, cash, gloves and a warm hat, flashlight and batteries, flares, and a tire repair kit.
Even with all the preparations above, you may still need to take your car to an auto body shop during the semester. At Freedom Collision Center, we serve as your most reputable auto body shop in the Morgantown area. Contact us today to learn more about our services!